010 226 9545 |
Sandton Office Towers, 158 5th St, Sandhurst, Sandton, 2196
Delfin Butt Vacuum Lift Therapy
This non-invasive treatment uses vacuum therapy to plump and contour the buttocks while stimulating blood flow, which can improve lymphatic drainage, break down cellulite, and improve the appearance of elasticity.
Treatment Duration: 30-45 minutes.
Treatment Areas: Buttocks, thighs and hip dips.
How many treatments are needed: The best results usually require around six to 10 sessions.
Contraindications: Avoid this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have active cancer, active systemic or local skin disease that may impair wound healing, diabetes or if you take blood-thinning medications.
Recovery Period: You may feel slight pain and tightness after the procedure. Mild swelling can also occur.
- Avoid alcohol and caffeine for a period of 24 hours after vacuum butt therapy treatment.
- Avoid sitting for a long period of time within 24 hours of treatment for best results.